The theme in our nursery and afterschool club this month is emotions.
We’ll be using positive affirmations to promote personal, social and emotional development.
We’re going to be really trying to encourage the children to explore how they are feeling using key skills in communication, literacy, mathematics and technology. Using activities like emotion dice, the children will be encouraged to name different emotions, what they may look like and how they make you feel.
Expressing and exploring emotions in different ways will also be a key focus. We’ll be getting active with a range of different yoga sessions ranging from ‘silly’ to ‘calm.’
While there will be a strong focus on understanding our own emotions, we will also be promoting compassion to others. We will be placing a kindness jar in our nursery, asking children to write supportive and encouraging messages about others in a jar for us to discuss altogether at circle time.
In maths, children will be measuring their emotions using a mood measure scale. We’ll discuss the results and plot them into a graph.
Children will be crafting their own stress balls from balloons, different coloured water, glitter and clear bottles.
The book of the month is called The Day the Crayons Quit, exploring the feelings of the different colours.
There are plenty of opportunities for storytelling, including the ongoing ‘You and Yours’ sessions with The Reader. This course is available to all parents and carers every Thursday from 9am-11am.
Our ‘lending library’ in our reception area is also available to all families and books can be accessed for free at any time!
We will also have activities and tasks centred around our festival of the month: Mother’s Day.
Parents’ evenings will start on Monday 13th March, offering parents and carers the opportunity to hear from staff about your child’s progress.
The Women’s Organisation will be running their course, the Women’s Power Programme.
It’s available for any women looking to boost confidence and make life changes. The workshop will focus on building self-esteem, promoting positive thinking, assertiveness, motivation and goal setting. The course starts on Tuesday 14th March for 4 weeks and is open to all women, there is a free voucher for everyone who completes the course.
To book a place give us a call: 0151 727 1355
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