Children currently living in a refuge or other temporary accommodation due to domestic abuse.
Children living in a family where there is current domestic abuse or where there has been domestic abuse.
Other children from families that have experienced domestic abuse.
Children providing care for a family member/s.
Refugee or asylum seekers.
Children who are or were a Child in Need, on the Child Protection Register or a Looked After Child.
Children who have experienced bereavement.
Children who have a parent or sibling in prison.
Children with a parent(s) or carer(s) who is receiving support for mental health problems or addiction.
If we have more applications than places, this criteria (in the above order) will be used to prioritise places.
Other circumstances may be considered. If you do not qualify for a place at nursery but feel that your child would benefit from attending, please contact us.
Centre 56 Limited, a charitable company No. 502933 registered in England No. 1307825
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