centre 56

An update on our Christmas appeal

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As Christmas draws ever closer, so does the end of our Christmas campaign, and we just wanted to say a huge thank you for the support and generosity we have received.

Our friends at Rise Construction Framework have kindly donated a food hamper for every family who uses our services.

Their director, Sara Lawton said:

“As the only local specialist nursery provision for families with experience of domestic violence or families in crisis Centre 56 is an organisation we like to support all year round but especially at Christmas time. As a team we will be spending the Christmas period with our families sharing food and gifts; being able to provide Christmas food hampers to Centre 56 families so they can experience the same is important to us.”

We would like to say a huge thank you to Sara and everyone at Rise for their support in making Christmas special for all of our children and families at Centre 56.

We are grateful for every individual pair of pyjamas, every present, and every financial donation we have received this year.

On behalf of the families and children we support – thank you!


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